About The Program

The Becoming YU Student Success Mentorship program was launched in September 2020, and it gives students outside of Work/Study positions the opportunity to experience the Becoming YU program as either a mentee or a peer mentor. Becoming YU provides students with a framework to set meaningful goals, identify the skills they want to develop to achieve those goals and provide them with tools to reflect on and track their progress. Through Becoming YU students will learn to articulate their skills and accomplishments with confidence, both in person and in their resume or cover letter.


Each student (mentee) in the program will be assigned a peer mentor who will guide them through the program in a series of check-ins.

"I was not sure what to expect with the Becoming YU Student Success Mentorship program, and I was pleasantly surprised by how helpful and beneficial it has been. The program encouraged me to engage in self-reflection activities to identify areas of improvement in competencies that furthered both my personal and professional skills-sets. My mentor helped guide me in becoming more proactive in taking the steps towards accomplishing my goals and improving my capabilities. My mentor was encouraging, patient, compassionate and very knowledgeable, guiding me and keeping me productive and on the right track, towards success. I had a wonderful experience with Becoming YU and hope to one day take the role of a mentor to help guide fellow students."                                                                                                                                                                          - Samantha Janae

Program Breakdown Fall/Winter 2023-24

First Checkpoint (Individual) – September

  • Purpose: Individual Checkpoint & Introduction to the program
  • Time: Approximately 30 mins
  • Date Range: September 18th – 29th

Within the first two weeks of joining the program, mentees will meet with their peer mentors. During this session, mentees set clear and ambitious goals for the year, aligning them with their position/role, leadership aspirations, academic pursuits, and long-term career objectives. A crucial aspect of this process involves identifying and prioritizing transferable skills that will support their journey towards these goals. Subsequently, skill-building experiences and projects are collaboratively chosen, laying the foundation for mentees to develop and apply their chosen skills effectively.

Second Checkpoint (Group) – October/November

  • Purpose: Group Checkpoint & Progress Measurement
  • Time: 45-50 mins
  • Date Range: October 16th – Nov. 3rd

The second checkpoint brings all mentees together in a group setting, fostering peer-to-peer support and learning. Here, mentees receive valuable feedback from their mentors and engage in constructive discussions on meaningful ways to progress toward their individual goals. The group setting enhances networking skills, allowing mentees to build valuable professional connections while benefiting from the insights and experiences of their peers.

Third Checkpoint (Individual) – December/January

  • Purpose: Individual Checkpoint & Progress Measurement
  • Time: 30 mins
  • Date Range: Dec. 6th - Jan. 19th

In this one-on-one meeting with their peer mentor, mentees assess their accomplishments and measure their progression towards their set goals. They reflect on their personal growth and address any challenges encountered along the way, receiving valuable guidance and support from their mentor to overcome obstacles.

Fourth Checkpoint (Group) – February/March

  • Purpose: Group Checkpoint & Progress Measurement
  • Time: 45-50 mins
  • Date Range: Feb. 12th – March 1st

During the fourth checkpoint, mentees gather as a group once again to share their progress towards their individual goals. Engaging in constructive discussions with their peers, mentees exchange insights into challenges, accomplishments, and strategies for continued success.


Fifth Checkpoint (Individual) – March/April

  • Purpose: Individual Checkpoint & Final Progress and Achievements Check
  • Time: 30 mins
  • Date Range: March 25th - April 9th

The final individual checkpoint is a reflective session where mentees meet with their peer mentors to recap their journey throughout the program. They review their goal progression, celebrate achievements, and discuss the valuable skills gained. This meeting serves as a pivotal moment to assess the impact of the program on their personal and professional development.

All successful participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program, acknowledging their dedication to growth and skill development.


Becoming YU Student Success Peer Mentors

The role of the “Student Success Peer Mentors” is a leadership role where students are trained as student-coaches and help guide fellow students by facilitating the student’s development and progress towards achieving their desired goals and objectives. They act as student representatives for York University, taking part in a variety of leadership and coaching workshops.
How to Qualify for the Becoming YU Volunteer Student Success Mentorship Program?
To qualify for the Becoming YU Volunteer Student Success Ambassador Program you must meet the following requirements:
- Students must have completed their first year of study
- Must have completed the Becoming YU program in the past
- Believe in the benefits gained by participating in the Becoming YU program
What do I gain from this Program?
You gain....
- Certificate/Badge upon completion
- Learn leadership skills and employability skills as well as improve and develop new skills
- Help enhance coaching and advising skills for future opportunities
- Practice speaking and communication skills
- Gain valuable volunteer work experiences
Applications to become a Peer Mentor will be available in September - stay tuned!

Becoming YU Student Success Mentees

The ‘Student Success Mentorship’ program gives students not currently in work-study positions the opportunity to complete the Becoming YU program. Becoming YU provides students with a framework to set meaningful goals, identify the skills they want to develop to achieve those goals and provide them with tools to reflect on and track their progress. Through Becoming YU students will recognize the value of their experiences, have greater clarity about their leadership and career goals, and articulate their skills and accomplishments with confidence! You will be assigned a Becoming YU Student Ambassador for the year–otherwise known as your student-coach, who will help facilitate your development and progress towards achieving your desired goals and objectives.

What do I gain from this Program?

You gain....
-    Certificate/Badge upon completion
-    A better understanding of who you are, and all that you’ve gained from this “experience”.
-    An understanding of how to make meaning of your experiences and skills development.
-    The ability to articulate and provide examples of your skills and accomplishments.

How to Qualify for the Becoming YU Student Success Mentee Program?

-    Must not be a current Work/Study student.
-    Must have an experience you wish to document, such as a part-time job, volunteer/student leadership role, be a member of a club/team. It does not matter whether they are on or off campus. If you do not have any of these, you may choose to document your role as a student.

If you're interested in applying to be a mentee in the program, applications will open in September. 

Are you a student in the Student Success Mentorship program? We’d love to hear from you! Let us know any feedback you have!

Have questions? Need more guidance?

Email us at becomeyu@yorku.ca any time!