
Whether you're a work study student, a member of a student club, involved in athletics, or engaged in volunteer or part-time work, all of the experiences that you're having are contributing to your overall leadership and skills development.  It's important to take time to reflect on these experiences to not only make meaning of them but also to be able to articulate the skills that you've developed through these experiences to a prospective employer or for a future educational opportunity.  In this Experiencing YU module, you will learn how to reflect on your skills and experiences and use the information that you've captured to support you in the next step - Expressing YU!

We've created a Competency & Skills Dictionary to support your reflection and we encourage you to reflect as often as possible and in whatever format works best for you.

What is Reflection?

Reflection is when you take the time to give careful thought or consideration to something.

Some common definitions include: Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

  • a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation
  • consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose

Oxford English Dictionary:

  • serious thought or consideration
  • an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed

Why Reflect?

Taking the time to reflect on your experiences in essential to your overall learning and development.  It helps you remain in the moment, observe your actions and reactions, make sense of what took place and why you did what you did in a specific situation.  Reflecting on your experiences will help you to better understand how your thoughts and actions influence an outcome or impact others.  By reflecting on your experiences, you’ll become more observant and intentional about your actions, interactions, and future plans. Through reflection, you’ll develop insight into your skills and interests as you discover who you want to be and you’ll adjust your plans and behaviours accordingly.

Why Reflect?

York University’s Guide to Experiential Education includes information about reflective learning as well as tools to support your reflections.